Sunday, November 20, 2011

Festivals, Tweet-ups, and Concerts… Oh, My!

Okay, so clearly my blogging consistency as gotten a bit off track.  But today, I am officially announcing my recommitment to keeping an updated blog (which includes recruiting guest bloggers, send an email my way if you’re interested!)

That said, spring and summer in Burlington were busy ones.  In addition to taking 802theApp in new directions including partnering with WCAX’s daily deal program, JumpOnIt, revealing our new logo, and continuing to promote ourselves and continue to bring our users the best local events in the greater Burlington area, we kept ourselves very busy with a seemingly endless string of fun our great little city! From festivals (Festival of Fools, Nor Easter Fest, Vermont Brewer’s Fest, Jazz Fest, Art Hop, to name a few),  to some amazing tweet-ups getting to know our fellow tweeps in “real life,” and a whole slew of music events and concerts! Rarely does one ever suffer from a lack of something to do in good ole Burlington, Vermont.  It’s all about seeking out the fun!

Stay tuned, as we continue to seek out the fun, and bring you an inside perspective! And in the meantime,  a happy Thanksgiving to you all!